Community of Hope is a contemporary, multi-cultural and vibrant community committed to changing mindsets and empowering people to lead and impact our society. COH is a community that possess both a genuine enthusiasm to bring hope and a strong sense of compassion for society! We are a community that seeks to glorify God and love people the way Jesus loved people. We are a community that loves celebrating people and our nation.


Vision is key to us moving forward in what we believe and live for. It is what gives us life and a sense of purpose as we set out to accomplish it as Community of Hope.

“Where there is no vision, the people perish...” Proverbs 29:18

Our vision is 'Draw – Disciple – Develop – Dispatch.' This means that we focus on influencing individuals, teaching them, nurturing talent and enabling them to do the same for others.


We value God: His Word and His creation.

We value people of all creed and castes. We owe them His love and compassion.

We value every individual who is personally committed to a healthy family life

We Value those who are committed to the fulfilment of the will of God in their lives.

We value fellowship that enhances the community's ability to fulfil its mandate through servant leadership, a shared vision, flexible structures and strategic mobilisation of resources.



To draw people to God - reaching them in their brokenness and restoring them to live life to their full potential.


To develop every person's unique gifting to be a blessing and encouragement to the community at large.


To establish a community by teaching values that enable people to make right choices, challenging their lifestyles, mindsets, methods and objectives.


To dispatch well-equipped and anointed servants to the nations of the world.

OUR AIM is to develop and build the whole person — spirit, soul and body — enhancing human resource development and making each person a productive citizen of our nation.