Marriage Counselling
A balanced marriage is a total commitment of two people to one another. It’s a pledge of mutual fidelity. Marriage is similar to a solvent, a freeing up of the man and woman to be themselves and become all that they intended to be. This refining process needs counselling at every step. From Teenage guidance, Pre-Marital Counselling, Marriage Counselling And Sex Education.
General Counselling
In our community we care deeply about empowering people to be the best versions of themselves. Life throws complexities at us which can drive a person into all kinds of mental, emotional, physical, spiritual and behavioural struggles. It is normal for us to all go through hardships, but it is not okay to remain in the valley of discouragement. Our pastors provide spiritual counsel for individuals and families in need. We have counselled many people and helped them overcome problems like addictions, relationship conflicts, financial issues, mental stress and much more.