
Compassion is a Call to Action! We are called to be people who are generous; our generosity is driven by faith. ‘Love your neighbour as yourself’ is the driving force to help the less privileged and for those in need for the betterment of the society as a whole. The understanding of what we have is not ours but we are stewards of what we possess; this pushes us to be generous and better stewards.

“It is well with the man who deals generously and lends;..” Ps 112:5

Hands of Hope has reached out to places and facets of society that no person thinks of as respectable or good and to those who are broken and needy. We actively participate in food distributions, visiting homes of orphans and the elderly, prison visits, red-light district visits and many more. We also love to partner with other organisations that carry the same heart and burden.

If you would like to join us, we do this on a monthly basis!


Food And Grain Distribution

Blanket And Toiletries Distribution

Most of us have a roof over our heads for protection from the harshness from the weather. But there are countless homeless people struggling to survive the winters. Each year we distribute blankets and toiletries to these less fortunate.


Eye Camps

Joining hands with Suman Ramesh Tulsiani and Bhakti Vedanta Hospital we were able to check up 430 patients, give 120 reading spectacles free and several cataract surgeries all done at the hospital free of cost.
