A Legacy Of Faithfulness

written by Tricia Soans

Over the last two years through this pandemic, there has been one thing that has been playing over and over in my mind, and that is the importance of leaving a legacy behind. 

Before we were even formed, God knew everything about who we would be and yet He still gave us the privilege to choose Him and trust him every step of our lives. 

He asks that we would be faithful to him and that’s where the core of leaving a legacy behind lies. When we choose to be faithful in our walk with God, our priorities move off of ourselves and on to loving God and his people. 

For many of us, this starts at home and with our children being our priority. When our son, Noah was born, Sonnah and I strongly felt the responsibility of imparting biblical values into his life. 

Psalm 145.4 says : “One generation shall commend your works to another, and shall declare your mighty acts.” 

How beautifully put! Fathers and mothers, we have the honour of teaching our kids about the goodness of God and his wonders! It’s our duty to be faithful and pass on the biblical values we’ve learnt so that they can mature in them, and later impart it to their own families.

If you’re thinking that this article is only for those with  children, no, it’s not. It applies to each of us, because God entrusts us to be a blessing to the people He places in our lives. Contrary to what the world believes, we were placed on the earth to be faithful by investing our talents, time and money into building people and growing relationships. We need to live intentionally and faithfully sow the resources He gave us into the next generation. 

When my dad was alive, he used every opportunity that he had to speak a blessing into each person he met. Even when he was at his sickest, he believed it was his duty to tell people of the goodness of God. Now, I hear people talk about him fondly saying that he was a man who was faithful to God and always gave him praise. 

Being faithful ensures that when we die, we leave behind a life filled with rich relationships and a generation impacted with a strong purpose to carry on the faithfulness to God.

Be faithful and trust God to use you and your talents to leave a legacy bearing much fruit! 

Have a week filled with God’s blessing!


Needed: A fresh encounter with God’s Word


The Perfect Storm