A true identity

written by Ruth Aaron

Once you’ve lived as slave for many years, the taste of freedom is delicious. But it can also feel overwhelming to let go of the life you’ve always known, that comfortable sin pattern that we get so used to (pride, gossip, vanity, fear, alcoholism, etc.). Jesus didn’t set us free so we’d be the masters of ourselves, and He sure didn’t set us free so we’d return back to slavery. He set us free so that we’d turn our lives over to him.

Jeremiah 9:23-24 says,

This is the word of the Lord: Let not the wise man take pride in his wisdom, or the strong man in his strength, or the man of wealth in his wealth: But if any man has pride, let it be in this, that he has the wisdom to have knowledge of me, that I am the Lord, working mercy, giving true decisions, and doing righteousness in the earth: for in these things I have delight, says the Lord.

Stop and think a minute about how you define yourself. Is it by your knowledge or wisdom? By your talents, abilities or strengths? By your possessions or relationships? The sense of pride and accomplishment you find in these things are only giving you a false sense of self-worth. God reminds us that our lives are not meant to be about promoting ourselves. Instead, it ought to be about glorifying him. Let go of everything else that defines your identity and your value. And find your purpose and sense of who you are, your true identity in knowing God and being the person He has created and wants you to be.

When we think of women in the Bible who did great things we think of Mary, Eve, Sarah, Miriam, Esther, Ruth, Naomi, Deborah, and Mary Magdalene, and so on... But today I want you to take a moment and think about YOU! What is it that makes you different and able today?

Romans Chapter 8 talks about us being children of God. Co-heirs with Christ. Free from condemnation. Given life, peace, freedom, glory and hope. Supplied with help in times of weakness. Called, justified and glorified. More than conquerors. Inseparable form God’s love. If you are Christ’s follower, then Paul is describing YOU in Romans 8! COME ON!!

You need to lodge on this passage, live in it, and dwell in it. Let these truths transform how you perceive yourself. Read these phrases again and again out load. Find your value and worth in the things God declares here to be true about you.

There are plenty of women in the Bible that were strong and capable women, from whom we can learn a lot. Today, know for sure that you can be someone who didn’t just sit around waiting for someone else to get the job done. You can be someone who feared God and lived faithfully and did what needed to done.

Here’s to celebrating all you can be in God!


Take up your responsibility
