Get walking!

written by Pastor Willie Soans

Going for a walk is mandatory to me, especially after my three surgeries earlier this year. I confess I am not so diligent in doing this and tend to do this in spurts. Of course, the ministry demand becomes so strong at times that I get late to go to bed, and my daily walk suffers. I need to be more disciplined and diligent though. But one thing that blesses me so much is that I talk to God as I walk and that is such a ‘close’ time with God I have.

Walking with anyone means proximity with them. Proximity brings an instinctive attention to that person. So, you share, you talk, you laugh, you listen, and you focus on that individual. You get in harmony with them and thus enjoy what the Bible calls ‘fellowship’.

Walking with God is like that!

I become more intimate with Him. My relationship with Him reaches a new ‘high’, and our intimacy grows. He becomes my heart’s greatest desire. I begin to love Him even more. He becomes more beautiful every day. We share hearts together. We talk. We laugh. I listen when He speaks. And when I speak, I know for sure He hears. My focus is just Him and no one else. I then break into worship, deep worship. Sometimes falling on my knees and crying out loud to my Father!

In Genesis 5:24, Enoch walked with God. Genesis 6:9 says Noah walked faithfully with God. Micah 6:8 tells us mortals, what is good and then tells us to walk humbly with God. This conveys to me that walking with God is not just an ordinary activity that is reserved for a select few. God desires that we walk with Him in a daily and consistent way.

You know, Amos 3:3 says, “Can two walk together except they be agreed?” This simply means to me that my will is aligned to His. That I will please Him in all I do. That I will obey Him no matter what. And that I am ready each time to ‘conform to His image’ as it says in Romans 8:9.

It was A. W. Tozer who said, “Live in a state of unbroken worship.”

Walking with God makes me ‘let go’ of things that I carry in my heart. I let go of thoughts, issues of the past, and those things that hinder me, things that burden me, and I sense such a freedom, such a freedom indeed!

I choose to walk with God. This is my lifestyle not just a ‘tradition’ I have. I choose to glorify Him every step of the way. I also choose the narrow road (Matthew 7:13,14). Walking with God means not walking with evil companions (Psalm 1). It is here that God’s ways are reflected on my thoughts. Here is where my ‘thinking’ changes and comes to a higher notch. Here is here where I can eliminate my ‘old’ desires and put on new ones to glorify Him in every way I can.

When you walk with God there are things that others can see. Your life is in stark contrast with the world. You become ready to forgive. You begin to produce the fruits of the Spirit. Your fleshly desires just fall away and die.

I just get encouraged with this passage of Scripture that is so real and so true. Acts 4:13, Now when the men of the Sanhedrin (Jewish High Court) saw the confidence and boldness of Peter and John, and grasped the fact that they were uneducated and untrained [ordinary] men, they were astounded, and began to recognize that they had been with Jesus.

Did you notice that? ‘They began to recognize that they had been with Jesus’

Our daily walk with God will change us so much that the world outside would recognise that we are with Jesus on a daily basis.

Our imperfections and shortcomings will soon melt away as we continue to walk daily with Jesus.

Walk with Him. You’ll not only find a close Friend but a develop a drastic change in your life.

So get walking!

When you walk with God, you begin to produce the Fruits of the Spirit


A love Revival


Moving ahead!