The relentless offensive is on!

written by Pastor Willie Soans

A supernatural war is being waged in the heavenly realms, and now is manifesting right here on earth right in your midst. Some ‘indicators’ of the warfare you are in are very evident. Let me share with you a few signs you need to be aware of.

Firstly, if there is a sudden and extreme onslaught of troubles, failures, losses, and undue trials, then you are under a malicious attack. It usually comes as one thing after another, that makes your life spin out of control. Job’s life is a good example of this kind of attack upon Christians.

But, let me be frank with you. God will not allow the enemy to have full control. God has the final say in our lives and not the enemy! It is here we need to go on trusting God, and His Promises holding on to everything. Because God is ever faithful.

Secondly, is there an increased temptation on you so that you are lured towards a weakness you once had. Then you find yourself crossing the boundaries of purity and sin. This also includes choices that are wrong and made in a hurry without taking time to seek the Lord for His will.

All this usually happens when you are weary and already weak due to either a physical attack on your body, or a broken relationship that is a ‘forgiveness’ challenge to you. Don’t let the Devil wreak havoc in you. Get to a place of repentance immediately and if anyone has wronged you forgive quickly. We must stay aware and take a stand to be strong. This is where His Word helps us, and true fellowship with stronger Christians will get you out of this realm. Never give the Devil a foothold!

If you look at Matt 4, you will see that in the most wearied of times and in the most hungry and thirsty of times in the wilderness, the Devil came to tempt Jesus. But Jesus hit the Devil hard with the Word. And after He’d done that angels came to minister to Him.

Satan waits for you to let up. He waits for you to give up. He waits for you to slip up. Satan is ruthless, relentless, and wrecking in all he does. You need to recognise the darkness and stay strong.

Let me repeat myself... this is where true fellowship, spending time meditating on His Word and prayer will help you defeat the Devil’s purposes.

Finally, one of the great ploys of the Devil is to work on your emotions and feelings. If you are constantly anxious and have been taken in by sudden bouts of fear that come around with an added feeling of a great insecurity and loneliness, then this is Satan’s method of attacking you.

Often the outbreak of spiritual forces against our lives elevates the intensity to even greater

degree than normal day to day struggles. This is the trap the Devil lays for us. And while in this condition we get prone to wrong choices and hurried decisions that take us on a wrong pathway of error. In extreme cases people also turn to suicide as the only option out of their troubles. Such is the assault of the evil one.

In closing, let me use this example. The prophet Elijah was a hero in Israel. He had battled the

forces of idolatry and darkness and procured great victory and in destroying the enemy as such. Yet there came a time where he ran for his life, and eventually asked God to take his life. But the Lord showed His kindness to Elijah. God came to Elijah right where he was, deep inside a cave. God delivered him, called him back into action, and set the course of his life back on track again. This is what God will do for you. He will come right where you are. All because God has great purposes for you too. God hasn’t finished with your life, there is much to do, and much to accomplish.

Please don’t buy into the enemy’s pursuits. Take a strong stand and keep going. The road ahead maybe bumpy, but it is set on a course to take you into His will and purposes. 

Read the Word, meditate on the Word, pray in the Spirit, then stand up, take up your authority, and kick the Devil out of your life and environment. And even though the onslaught is relentless and are more than a conqueror in Christ Jesus!


Have a blessed week.


Are you under the spell of Delilah?