Are you under the spell of Delilah?
written by Vijay Thangiah
Samson, the strong, Nazerite man of God who defeated armies and killed lions with his bare hands, fell under the spell of Delilah.
How did this happen?
1. Samson got involved with the wrong relationship. Judges 16:4
The Philistines were the enemies, but taking one of them into his bosom and thinking that he will not get burnt was an illusion. With whom do you associate?
2. Samson played with the temptation instead of running away from it. Judges 16:5
We must remain alert! Like Joseph, we must flee from all allurements to sin rather than checking how close we can get to the fire before getting burnt.
We can easily lose our edge, become lackadaisical in our passion for God, and succumb to the temptations of compromise with worldly ways.
What was the result?
In Judges 16:20, we read about Samson, “But he did not know that the Lord had left him.”
This is the saddest of all mental experiences. What a humiliating and painful spectacle! Samson was deprived of the divine influences, degraded in his character, and yet through the infatuation of a guilty passion, scarcely awake to the wretchedness of his fallen condition.
What about you? Do you think you are still close to the Lord when you don’t sense His presence anymore in your life? With every sin there comes a blunting of that moral capacity by which you detect its presence.
No man is the same after sin; no man ever can be. Sow an act and reap a habit; sow a habit and reap a destiny.
Paul was conscious of this power when he said in 1 Corinthians 9:27 “But I keep under my body, and bring it into subjection, lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a castaway.”
Have you too misused your great opportunities, yielding to the Delilah spell, missing your God-given faculty, and abusing your wonderful opportunities?
It may not be possible to recover all the lost ground and stand where you once stood, but in answer to many tears and prayers, the lost strength would come back, the Spirit of God would inflate your diseased lungs, the light would return to your blinded eyes.
Deny the Delilahs in your lives. Be aware of them, be alert to them and deny them – however enticing they are. Do not sleep in the arms of the world but remain safely in His arms of love.
Would you turn to Him today?