written by Pastor Jeremy Aaron

I never take for granted the opportunity I get to share on what God has always impressed upon me, but I also take very seriously the freedom I receive from the leadership to use this platform.

Over the past few weeks, I have been asking Jesus to reveal more of the ways He operated on the earth when He was here with us.

I recently heard a friend of mine share a very interesting thought on a concept very familiar to us. The acronym WWJD (What Would Jesus Do). I grew up when this concept was birthed and really was trending in the Christian circles. We had all kinds of merchandise with the words WWJD written on them.

But I want us to take a different angle on it this morning. The word WWJD is great, and it did a lot of good for a lot of people both inside and outside the church.

What Jesus would have done leaves a lot for us to speculate and conjure about the life of Jesus and might leave us with making the wrong decisions based on our circumstances and interpretation of scripture. To put this in context I am talking about the lifestyle of Jesus and the way He led people.

But the concept of WDJD (WHAT DID JESUS DO) leaves us in a stronger position for success and impact. We get to what did Jesus do by simply reading his word consistently and obeying it to the best of our abilities.

Let’s try sticking to what Jesus did before we get into what Jesus would do. If we do what He did I am sure we will eventually do what He would do.

My prayer is that we consistently pursue to follow Jesus in wisdom and revelation that comes from His word and not lean on our own understanding and human interpretation.


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